If you are attending the Twins of Faith Conference, PutraJaya this
weekend, drop by our booth at Booth #38 to get your collection of
Islamic books for your children!
Oh, and bring your kids over
to the Kids Zone where ALIMKids will be there with FUN activities such
as face-painting, sand-art, science activities, read-aloud, crafts and
See you there, insya Allah!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Kem Bina Jati Diri 2011
Kem Bina Jati Diri 2011
10 Dis 2011, 9am - 5pm
Taman Pertanian Malaysia, Shah Alam
(Bukit Cerakah)
Anjuran bersama ALIMKids & Kefajar Resources.
Objektif program: Melahirkan seorang pelajar yang bukan sahaja berkualiti dan berintelek, malah menjadi seorang yg berakhlak mulia dan bertanggungjawab kepada sendiri, keluarga dan masyarakat.
Yuran : RM120 seorang, 10% diskaun utuk adik, termasuk minum pagi & petang, makan tengahari & tiket masuk ke taman.
Maksimum 30 orang peserta sahaja.
Untuk mendaftar, email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com atau tel 03 8024 8664/ 016 2955026 / 012 3112400.
10 Dis 2011, 9am - 5pm
Taman Pertanian Malaysia, Shah Alam
(Bukit Cerakah)
Anjuran bersama ALIMKids & Kefajar Resources.
Objektif program: Melahirkan seorang pelajar yang bukan sahaja berkualiti dan berintelek, malah menjadi seorang yg berakhlak mulia dan bertanggungjawab kepada sendiri, keluarga dan masyarakat.
Yuran : RM120 seorang, 10% diskaun utuk adik, termasuk minum pagi & petang, makan tengahari & tiket masuk ke taman.
Maksimum 30 orang peserta sahaja.
Untuk mendaftar, email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com atau tel 03 8024 8664/ 016 2955026 / 012 3112400.
School Holidays Calendar for ALIMKids USJ
School Holiday Activites at ALIMKids USJ
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Click the image for a larger view |
Age: 5-8 yrs, 10am-12noon. Fees RM140 per child for 3 days, RM50 per day.
Learn the importance the 3R's to our environment + art&crafts using recycled materials.
Info at http://alimkidsbookshop.blogspot.com/2011/10/alimkids-earth-savers-workshop-21st.html
24th and 25th Nov - ALIMKids Junior Chef
Age 7-12, 9am-12noon, Fees RM100 per child for 2 days, RM60 per day.24th Nov - Cute Apam Polka Dot class (by Teacher Hani :-))
25th Nov - Chocolate making class (by Teacher Lily :-))
Info at http://alimkidsbookshop.blogspot.com/2011/10/alimkids-junior-chef-24th-25th-nov.html
29th-30th Nov - Gadis Solehah
Age: 10-15 yrs old, 9:30 - 12:30pm; Fees RM90 per child, 10% off for ALIMKidsProgram ini akan membantu para remaja untuk menepis dan menolak
unsur-unsur negatif di sekeliling mereka. Mereka akan ditekankan
mengenai tanggungjawab untuk menjaga kehormatan diri.
Info at http://alimkidsbookshop.blogspot.com/2011/11/bengkel-gadis-solehah-29-30-nov-2011.html
1st Dis - NLP in Solat (Ustaz Hilmi Isa)
Age: 10-15 yrs old, 9:30 - 5pm ; fees RM120 per child, 10% off for ALIMKidsSesetengah remaja memandang ringan ibadah solat dan sering "liat"
untuk menunaikan Rukun Islam ini. Program ini menggunakan pendekatan
NLP (Neuro Linguisic Program) dan Solat supaya remaja boleh melihat
fungsi solat dalam kehidupan mereka.
Info at http://alimkidsbookshop.blogspot.com/2011/11/nlp-in-solat-for-teens-1st-dec-usj-5th.html
5th Dis-9th Dis - English@ALIMKids (with Coach Sha's team)
Half days x 5 days. For 7-10 yrs old.Fees RM250 per child + RM50 registration
Info at http://alimkidsbookshop.blogspot.com/2011/11/english-alimkids-5-9th-dec-2011.html
7th-8th Dec - Technology and You
(For 6-12 years old)
7th Dec (3:00-5:00pm) - Transportation Engineer (RM50)
Info at http://alimkidsbookshop.blogspot.com/2011/11/transport-engineer-7th-dec-2011.html
8th Dec (3:00-5:00pm) - ALIMKids Robotics with EducaBOT (RM50)
Info at http://alimkidsbookshop.blogspot.com/2011/10/fun-robotics-class-8th-dec-2011.html10th Dec - Kem Bina Jati Diri (1 day camp at Bukit Cerakah, Shah Alam)
Untuk 7-12 tahun, 9am - 5pm, RM120 seorang termasuk makan minum.
Kem 1 hari ini bertujuan untuk membina generasi yg mempunyai kendiri yg positif terhadap diri sendiri, keluarga dan masyarakat sejagat. Melalui pelbagai aktiviti "outdoor", peserta akan belajar erti persahabatan dan berpasukan (team-work). Program sehari ini dijalankan oleh fasilitator berpengalaman dari Kefajar Resources.
Info at http://alimkidsbookshop.blogspot.com/2011/11/kem-bina-jati-diri-2011.html
For more info - call 03-80248664 (10am-6pm) or email to sales@alimkidsbookshop.com
Payment should be made at least a week before the dates.
Transport Engineer : 7th Dec 2011
Transport Engineer : 7th Dec 2011.
You love cars? Want to build your own cars?
Enroll your children (boys & girls both are welcome!) to this FUN and EDUCATIONAL program where they will be introduced to the role of a transport engineer and the different types of transportation around.
They will also build cars from scrap materials and take part in other educational activities.
Date & Time: 7th Dec 2011, 2:30pm-5:00pm
Fees: RM50 per child.
To register, pls call 03 8024 8664 or email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com.
Bengkel Gadis Solehah : 29-30 Nov 2011
Membina Personality Muslimah Sejati
(10-15 tahun)
Gadis remaja bakal menjadi pendidik ummah yg akan datang. Oleh itu, semaikan personaliti Muslimah Solehah di dalam jiwa mereka sejak remaja lagi.
Dalam program ini, mereka akan belajar untuk mendisiplinkan diri, berfikiran positif, bergaya sopan dan menjaga harga diri serta memahani makna cinta sejati.
Mereka juga akan belajar bagaimana untuk menepis dan memerangi unsur-unser negatif di sekeliling mereka.
Tarikh: 29 & 30 Nov, 9:30am - 1:30pm
Yuran: RM90 sahaja, 10% diskaun utk ahli ALIMKids
Tempat: ALIMKids Bookshop, 34-2 USJ 9/5Q, Subang Business Centre, 47620 UEP Subang Jaya.
Tel 03 8024 8664 / email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com utk mendaftar.
(10-15 tahun)
Gadis remaja bakal menjadi pendidik ummah yg akan datang. Oleh itu, semaikan personaliti Muslimah Solehah di dalam jiwa mereka sejak remaja lagi.
Dalam program ini, mereka akan belajar untuk mendisiplinkan diri, berfikiran positif, bergaya sopan dan menjaga harga diri serta memahani makna cinta sejati.
Mereka juga akan belajar bagaimana untuk menepis dan memerangi unsur-unser negatif di sekeliling mereka.
Tarikh: 29 & 30 Nov, 9:30am - 1:30pm
Yuran: RM90 sahaja, 10% diskaun utk ahli ALIMKids
Tempat: ALIMKids Bookshop, 34-2 USJ 9/5Q, Subang Business Centre, 47620 UEP Subang Jaya.
Tel 03 8024 8664 / email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com utk mendaftar.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
NLP In Solat for Teens : 1st Dec (USJ), 5th Dec (Wangsa Maju)
NLP In Solat for Teens.
ALIMKids USJ 1 Dis, ALIMKids Wangsa Maju 5 Dis, 9:30am-5pm.
Umur: 10-17 tahun
Yuran: RM120 seorang, termasuk makan tengahari.
10% diskaun utk adik-beradik yang lain.
Sesetengah remaja memandang ringan ibadah solat dan sering "liat" untuk menunaikan Rukun Islam ini. Program ini menggunakan pendekatan NLP (Neuro Linguisic Program) dan Solat supaya remaja boleh melihat fungsi solat dalam kehidupan mereka.
a. Menampakkan sebenarnya terkandung pelajaran hebat di sebalik solat, sekaligus menambah kecintaan terhadapnya.
b. Menggunakan kuasa minda secara optimum
c. Memandu hidup secara yang diinginkan
d. Mencontohi kejayaan individu-individu lain yang berjaya secara luar biasa
a. Kajian sains tentang solat
b. Pelajaran dari Al Fatihah
c. Kuasa KEPERCAYAAN: Teknik meruntuh dan membina kembali kepercayaan seperti yang anda kehendaki
d. Mengatur kembali NILAI di minda bawah sedar: Mengetahui motif di sebalik tindakan anda
e. PILIHAN: Segala jawapan tersedia
f. Teknik VISUALISASI: Rahsia kejayaan atlet Olimpik Russia
g. Teknik REFRAMING: Atasi segala cabaran hidup dengan tenang
h. Membina MATLAMAT yang mantap: Menukar dari MAHU kepada MESTI
a. Latihan berdua (pair work)
b. Kerja kumpulan (group work)
c. Ceramah
d. Soal jawab (Q & A)
Penceramah: Ustaz Hilmi Isa
Bekas pensyarah muda di Kolej Universiti Islam Melaka (KUIM)
-Master Applied Linguistic UKM (can)
-Bachelor Ed. TESL (& Counseling) UiTM
-Post-grad Diploma Islamic Studies UIAM
-Cert Islamic Theology UM
-Markaz Tahfiz Al Quran wal Qiraat Negeri Selangor
-Rahsia kalimah Berkuasa dalam Bisnes, terbitan True Wealth Publishing (Azizi Ali), September 2010
-Pikat Remaja Dengan Kata-kata tulisan bersama Dr Tg Asmadi Tg Mohd, terbitan PTS. Oktober 2011
-Bagaimana Bercakap Supaya Remaja Mendengar tulisan bersama Dato Dr Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah, Telaga Biru. Dalam proses penerbitan
Kelayakan professional
-Pengamal NLP
-Pengamal Spiritual NLP
-Pengamal Hipnosis
Sila tel 03 8024 8664 (USJ) / 012 3935063 (Wangsa Maju)
Email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com
ALIMKids USJ 1 Dis, ALIMKids Wangsa Maju 5 Dis, 9:30am-5pm.
Umur: 10-17 tahun
Yuran: RM120 seorang, termasuk makan tengahari.
10% diskaun utk adik-beradik yang lain.
Sesetengah remaja memandang ringan ibadah solat dan sering "liat" untuk menunaikan Rukun Islam ini. Program ini menggunakan pendekatan NLP (Neuro Linguisic Program) dan Solat supaya remaja boleh melihat fungsi solat dalam kehidupan mereka.
a. Menampakkan sebenarnya terkandung pelajaran hebat di sebalik solat, sekaligus menambah kecintaan terhadapnya.
b. Menggunakan kuasa minda secara optimum
c. Memandu hidup secara yang diinginkan
d. Mencontohi kejayaan individu-individu lain yang berjaya secara luar biasa
a. Kajian sains tentang solat
b. Pelajaran dari Al Fatihah
c. Kuasa KEPERCAYAAN: Teknik meruntuh dan membina kembali kepercayaan seperti yang anda kehendaki
d. Mengatur kembali NILAI di minda bawah sedar: Mengetahui motif di sebalik tindakan anda
e. PILIHAN: Segala jawapan tersedia
f. Teknik VISUALISASI: Rahsia kejayaan atlet Olimpik Russia
g. Teknik REFRAMING: Atasi segala cabaran hidup dengan tenang
h. Membina MATLAMAT yang mantap: Menukar dari MAHU kepada MESTI
a. Latihan berdua (pair work)
b. Kerja kumpulan (group work)
c. Ceramah
d. Soal jawab (Q & A)
Penceramah: Ustaz Hilmi Isa
Bekas pensyarah muda di Kolej Universiti Islam Melaka (KUIM)
-Master Applied Linguistic UKM (can)
-Bachelor Ed. TESL (& Counseling) UiTM
-Post-grad Diploma Islamic Studies UIAM
-Cert Islamic Theology UM
-Markaz Tahfiz Al Quran wal Qiraat Negeri Selangor
-Rahsia kalimah Berkuasa dalam Bisnes, terbitan True Wealth Publishing (Azizi Ali), September 2010
-Pikat Remaja Dengan Kata-kata tulisan bersama Dr Tg Asmadi Tg Mohd, terbitan PTS. Oktober 2011
-Bagaimana Bercakap Supaya Remaja Mendengar tulisan bersama Dato Dr Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah, Telaga Biru. Dalam proses penerbitan
Kelayakan professional
-Pengamal NLP
-Pengamal Spiritual NLP
-Pengamal Hipnosis
Sila tel 03 8024 8664 (USJ) / 012 3935063 (Wangsa Maju)
Email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com
Thursday, November 3, 2011
English @ ALIMKids : 5-9th Dec 2011
English @ ALIMKids Workshop
With Teacher Nina & Coach Sha (Coaching Zone Sdn Bhd).
- To encourage children to feel more COMFORTABLE and CONFIDENT to USE English especially in speaking the language.
- To create an English-friendly surrounding to use English.
- To expose children to Syariah-compliant content and activities.
Lesson Overview
A central theme is chosen, for example “Rain”. Activities are designed in line with the theme. Students will WRESTLE (write-read-speak-talk-listen) throughout the session.
The content is customized to suit local taste with Islamic touch.
Time Allocation:
Warm Ups : 20 minutes
Lesson-of –the Day : 40 minutes
Readers’ Theatre : 30 minutes
Lap Book Project : 30 minutes
Songs/Nasyid : 20 minutes
Break : 15 minutes
Cool Downs : 15 minutes
Extra Time : 10 minutes
Total : 180 minutes
Introduction to key concept, specific strategies , main topic of the day. Games, competition, group/pair/individual work.
Lap Book Project
A fantastic hands-on learning tool. Writing, creativity, individual project. Each component focuses on specific aspects of the theme (maths, history, science, general knowledge) Lap book project starts on Day 1.
Readers’ Theatre
Reading, pronunciation, enunciation, intonation, facial expression Students read out loud in groups.
This is not a tuition class. We do not focus on answering exam questions. It is about helping kids enjoy catching English ! The children will be exposed to simple ways to WRESTLE: write, read, speak, talk, listen. Nasyid, songs, games and arts are major components of the program.
About Teacher Nina
Teacher Nina has a degree in B.Ed TESL (Hons). She taught in 3 government schools, SMKA Segamat, SMK Setapak Indah and SMK Pandan Mewah. After 10 years in the government schools, it was time for her to leave due to her love towards her children. She started teaching kindergarten so that she can still teach. Then, it was time to share with the kindy teachers her method of teaching. Her love and passion grew wilder and finally she decided to work with Teacher Azly on English classes, their way! Together, they realize that teaching English the fun way, relaxes their students and make them want to study on their own and practice speaking at home.
About Coach Sha
Coach Sha completed her secondary education in Texas, USA. The only Malaysian in an American high school. She represented her school in Duet Acting, won Best Student for Spanish 1, a member of the National Honor Society. She was a lecturer at UIA Matriculation Centre and taught part-time at UNITEN. Both Sha and her partner, Ridz own CZSB and travel all over Malaysia conducting English and motivation programs for teens and working adults
Date & Time: 5th - 9th Dec, 10am-1pm (5 days workshop)
Age: 8-10 yrs
Address: ALIMKids USJ, 34-2 Jalan USJ 9/5Q, Subang Business Centre, 47620 UEP Subang Jaya.
Fees: RM250 per child + RM50 Registration fee.
Call 03 8024 8664 or email to sales@alimkidsbookshop.com to register.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Fun Robotics Class : 8th Dec 2011
Fun Robotics Class with educaBOT program
(Try-out class)
In this try-out class, the kids will be making a simple robot as an introductory to the robotic class. It is also to get parents to know about this program before the centres kick-off the robot class on their own.
Each participant will be given a loaner kit (to be returned after the session). You can also purchase your own kit at RM150 per kit.
BENEFITS of the Program:
- to train the kids to be more focus and patient,
- to provide them with problem-solving skills,
- to expose them with the real application of mathematics and science,
- to increase their creativity and imagination, and
to encourage teamwork.
Age : 6-12 yrs old
Fees: RM50 per child, 10% off for ALIMKids members.
Date & Time:
ALIMKids Bookshop Outlets:
To register, call:
(Try-out class)
In this try-out class, the kids will be making a simple robot as an introductory to the robotic class. It is also to get parents to know about this program before the centres kick-off the robot class on their own.
Each participant will be given a loaner kit (to be returned after the session). You can also purchase your own kit at RM150 per kit.
BENEFITS of the Program:
- to train the kids to be more focus and patient,
- to provide them with problem-solving skills,
- to expose them with the real application of mathematics and science,
- to increase their creativity and imagination, and
to encourage teamwork.
Age : 6-12 yrs old
Fees: RM50 per child, 10% off for ALIMKids members.
Date & Time:
ALIMKids Bookshop Outlets:
- Johor Bahru : 6th Dec 10am-12pm
- Kota Damansara : 8th Dec, 10am -12pm
- USJ Subang Jaya : 8th Dec, 3pm – 5pm
- Wangsa Maju : 9th Dec 10am-12pm
To register, call:
- JB: 012 2529174 (Amira)
- Kota D’sara: 012 661 8704 (Fatin)
- USJ : 03 80248664 (Zaida)
- Wangsa Maju: 012 3935063 (Fiza)
ALIMKids Junior Chef : 24th & 25th Nov
24 & 25th Nov, 9:30am-12 noon

24th Nov: Apam Polka Dot
24th Nov: Apam Polka Dot
Colourful, delicious apam with various fillings
25th Nov: Chocololly & Choco-Nut
Chocolate on a lollipop stick & Chocolate with nuts filling
Chocolate on a lollipop stick & Chocolate with nuts filling
ALIMKids Bookshop, 34-2 USJ 9/5Q, Subang Business Centre, 47620 UEP Subang Jaya
FEES: RM60 per class, RM100 for both days
(Age: 7-12 yrs)
REGISTER NOW! Limited to 12 per class.
Call 03 8024 8664 sales@alimkidsbookshop.com
ALIMKids Bookshop, 34-2 USJ 9/5Q, Subang Business Centre, 47620 UEP Subang Jaya
FEES: RM60 per class, RM100 for both days
(Age: 7-12 yrs)
REGISTER NOW! Limited to 12 per class.
Call 03 8024 8664 sales@alimkidsbookshop.com
Sunday, October 30, 2011
ALIMKids Earth Savers Workshop: 21st-23rd Nov

Why should we RECYCLE?
How can we REDUCE waste in our home?
What can we REUSE at home?
Find out the answers at our
ALIMKids Earth Savers Workshop!
21st-23rd Nov, 10am-12 noon
ALIMKids Bookshop, 34-2 USJ 9/5Q, Subang Business Centre, 47620 UEP Subang Jaya.
Age: 4-8 yrs old
Fees: RM120 per child (ALIMKids)
RM130 for non-ALIMKids members
FUN Crafts using Recycled Materials every day!
CALL 03-80248664 or
sales@alimkidsbookshop.com to register!
How can we REDUCE waste in our home?
What can we REUSE at home?
Find out the answers at our
ALIMKids Earth Savers Workshop!
21st-23rd Nov, 10am-12 noon
ALIMKids Bookshop, 34-2 USJ 9/5Q, Subang Business Centre, 47620 UEP Subang Jaya.
Age: 4-8 yrs old
Fees: RM120 per child (ALIMKids)
RM130 for non-ALIMKids members
FUN Crafts using Recycled Materials every day!
CALL 03-80248664 or
sales@alimkidsbookshop.com to register!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Ready for Ramadhan- Another one on 30th July


Good news! We are having another session of the "Ready for Ramadhan" workshop on Saturday, 30th July 3-5pm at ALIMKids Bookshop, 34-2 USJ 9/5Q, Subang Business Centre, 47620 UEP Subang Jaya.
We had a GREAT time last week (23rd July) and would like to share the workshop with you if you missed it.

RM35 non members
RM30 members.
To register, please call 03 8024 8664 or email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com
Monday, July 18, 2011
READY for Ramadhan Workshop 23rd July 2011

Saturday 23rd July, 3-5pm
ALIMKids Bookshop, USJ 9 Subang Jaya
Saturday 23rd July, 3-5pm
ALIMKids Bookshop, USJ 9 Subang Jaya
Come and join our workshop and learn…
- What is Ramadhan?
- What can we do and can’t do?
- What is Lailatul Qadar?
- What happened in Gua Hira during Ramadhan?
Saturday 23rd July 2011
3pm – 5pm
ALIMKids Bookshop
34-2 USJ 9/5Q,
Subang Business Centre
47620 UEP Subang Jaya
RM35 per person
ALIMKids Members: RM30 only.
For ages 5-10 yrs old
Carta Ramadhan & “My Ramadhan Diary”
Call :
03-80248664 to register
Or email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com
03-80248664 to register
Or email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com
Saturday, May 21, 2011
School Holidays: English Reading Workshop (5-8 yrs old)

This program is designed to assist your child in reading independently.
Suitable for children who already have some reading basics but need the guidance to read more fluently and independently.
Date & Time:
31st May -3rd June 2011
At ALIMkids Bookshop
34-2 USJ 9/5Q Subang Business Centre
47620 UEP Subang Jaya
RM 120 per child (members)
RM 130 (non-members)
About the Teacher:
Puan Zabedah Abdul has years of experience as a preschool teacher at R.E.A.L Kids (CEC) and Smart Reader Kids, and have designed her own program to assist children in their reading. She now conducts these programs as a tutor in few tutorial centres and for some that needed personal attention, at home
Call 03 8024 8664 or email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com to register.
School Holidays: Mind-Mapping for Students 28th May 2011

- Does your child need help in taking notes?
- Does your child have problems organising his thoughts together?
28th May 2011
ALIMKids Bookshop
34-2 USJ 9/5Q
Subang Business Centre
47620 UEP Subang Jaya
RM80 per child
RM150 for groups of two (Siblings)
(10% off for ALIMKids Members)
Call 03-80248664 or email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com to register
Thursday, May 19, 2011
School Holidays Fun: Kids Money Games

About the Program:
Kids Money Games will be performed in a FUN, happy and knowledgeable way with experienced and passionate speakers who are able to connect to the kids’ world acting as facilitators. Includes product selling and buying games, and piggy-bank making
They will bring home:
a. Buku wang saku (pocket money booklet)
b. Piggy-bank (tabung)
c. Certificate
d. Training materials
- Educate kids on Money Management
- Share with kids the right value of money
- Teach kids how to save money
- Learn how to budget, share and manage small money given to them
- Get kids’ feedback on what they feel about money
- Let kids to experience action learning on having happier and a more meaningful life in money related matters
Group 1: 7-12 yrs old:
7th & 8th June (2 days) , 10am-4pm,
RM200 per pax, inclusive of lunch
Group 2: 13-17 yrs old
9th June (1 day), 10am – 4pm,
RM150 per pax, inclusive of lunch
ALIMKids Bookshop, 34-2 USJ 9/5Q, Subang Business Centre, 47620 UEP Subang Jaya
Call 038024 8664 or email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com to register
Program conducted by Facilitators from KidsMoneyGames (kidsmoneygames@gmail.com)
Monday, May 16, 2011
School Holidays Fun: FELT CRAFTS (10-15 yrs old)
Learn how to make FELT CRAFTS with Auntie Wati of KedaiAdik (kedaiadik.blogspot.com).
Suitable for 10-15 yr olds, you will learn how to make the following:

Starter Kit and design template will be provided.
Date & Time:
6th June 2011, 10am – 5pm
Venue: ALIMKids Bookshop, 34-2 USJ 9/5Q, Subang Business Centre, 47610 UEP Subang Jaya
Fees: RM125 per person (inclusive of lunch and tea break, starter kit and materials.
Call 03-8024 8664 or email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com to register

Suitable for 10-15 yr olds, you will learn how to make the following:
- Pencil Topper
- Keychain
- Simple Handphone Cozy
- Hairclip/brooch organizer
- Cake pin cushion

Starter Kit and design template will be provided.
Date & Time:
6th June 2011, 10am – 5pm
Venue: ALIMKids Bookshop, 34-2 USJ 9/5Q, Subang Business Centre, 47610 UEP Subang Jaya
Fees: RM125 per person (inclusive of lunch and tea break, starter kit and materials.
Call 03-8024 8664 or email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com to register
Sunday, May 15, 2011
School Holidays Activities 4-8 yrs old: The Prophets of Allah

Let us learn about the Prophets of Allah and the lessons they teach us!
30th May: The Ark of Nuh A.S
Listen to the story about the Prophet Nuh A.S who had patience in spreading the word of Allah to his people and the big flood that Allah sent.
Craft: Animal origami
31st May: Prophet Musa and The Magicians
Find out how the Prophet Musa was able to defeat the magicians of Firaun using his stick, by Allah’s will.
Craft: Snake Mobile
1st June: Prophet Yunus and the Whale
Why did Allah sent a whale to swallow the Prophet Yunus? What did he learn when he was in the whale’s stomach?
Craft: Stuffed Paper Bag Whale
Fees (ALIMKids/UmmikuSayang members):
RM120 for 3 days (or RM45 per day)
RM150 (3 days) RM55 per day
Date & Time: 30th May – 1st June, 10am – 12noon
Venue: ALIMKids Bookshop
34-2 USJ 9/5Q, Subang Business Centre, 47610 UEP Subang Jaya
Call: 80248664 or email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com to register.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
CLEARANCE SALE at Alimkidsbookshop.com

Clearance Sale on selected titles at ALIMKidsBookshop.com
While stocks last, so hurry!
Click here to shop online.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Meet us at Smart Kids 2011, PWTC 15th-17th April 2011

We will be at the Smart Kids Exhibition, PWTC from 15th-17th April 2011. Our booth is #4009, Merdeka Hall, Level 4 (Education Enrollment Pool).
Come and visit us to see what we have at ALIMKids. We will have a stage performance by ALIMKids PLaygroup USJ on Sunday 4:15-4:30pm at the Stage on Level 4.
See you there!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Chocolate Making Class 19th Mar 2011

Learn how to make your own chocolates with Pn Yati of Kay Bakery.
Open for mother & child (child below 15 yrs old), or siblings (7-15 yrs old).
In this class you will learn how to make:
- Chocolate with edible image
- Lollichoc
Date: 19th Mar 2011
10:30am – 12:30pm
ALIMKids Bookshop
34-2 USJ 9/5Q Subang Business Centre
47610 UEP Subang Jaya
Fees: RM80 per pair
Or RM50 per person
(pls bring apron and napkin )
To register, pls email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com
Or call 03 8024 8664.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Bijak Sifir for 7-12 yrs old: 14th - 17th March 2011

Untuk 7-9 tahun:
(1) Tarikh: 16 & 17 March*new date*
Masa: 2:30pm - 5:30pm
Yuran: ALIMKids Members: RM100, non members RM110
Untuk 10-12 tahun:
Tarikh 16 & 17 March
Masa: 2:30pm - 5:30pm
Yuran: ALIMKids Members: RM100, non members RM110
Mengenal Teknik "Bijak Sifir: Cara Sensor"
* Teknik membina sifir yang cepat dan pantas.
* Kaedah ‘Sifir Kotak’ membuatkan operasi sifir lebih mudah dan menyeronokkan.
* Menguasai sifir 0 hingga 12 dalam masa 1 jam sahaja.
* Pelajari kemahiran membina kotak sifir sebagai rujukan dalam peperiksaan.
* Jadual pengukuhan kemahiran di rumah dan sekolah.
* Teknik Bonus : menguasai sifir 11- 19 dlm masa 5 minit shj!
* Suasana pembelajaran berinteraktif yang pasti menghiburkan!
ALIMKids Bookshop
34-2 USJ 9/5Q
Subang Business Centre
47620 UEP Subang Jaya
Tel: 03 8024 8664 atau email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com untuk mendaftar
Sunday, March 6, 2011
School Holidays March 2011 for 4-8 yr olds

Looking for FUN activities for your children this Holidays?
Come and register them for our ALIMKids Holiday Activities for 4-8 yr olds from 14th- 16th March 2011.
14th March (10am – 12 noon): My Hobby
Exploring with the children activities that they can do at home. Includes story telling and arts and crafts.
Art & Crafts - Pencil holder
15th March (10am – 12 noon) - I Love you, Mother
Whether she is called “Ummi”, or “Ibu” or “Mama”,
Mothers are special and deserve our love. We will share stories about mothers and a special craft for mom.
Art & Crafts - Hand Fan for mother
16th March (10am-12 noon) - My Holiday
Traveling to new places are exciting. Even traveling
back to the Kampung is also a memorable experience.
Allow the children to share their experiences and make a memorable Scrapbook for their photos and experience.
Art & Crafts - My Holiday Scrapbook
RM120 for 3 days (or RM50 per day)
Non ALIMKids members:
RM150 (3 days) or RM60 per day
ALIMKids Bookshop. 34-2 USJ 9/5Q, Subang Business Centre, 47610 UEP Subang Jaya
To Register:
CALL 03 8024 8664 or email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com
ALIMKids Bookshop. 34-2 USJ 9/5Q, Subang Business Centre, 47610 UEP Subang Jaya
To Register:
CALL 03 8024 8664 or email sales@alimkidsbookshop.com
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